There's Now A Graphic Novel About Dee Snider's Iconic PMRC Testimony

Photo: Hulton Archive

Dee Snider is not only a hitmaking rockstar; he's also an American hero, when it comes to defending freedom of speech and artistic expression from wanton censorship.

Snider famously testified before the U.S. Senate in 1985 to defend the music industry from the Parents Music Resource Center, which wanted to force record stores to keep albums with explicit covers under the counters and create a music industry panel to enforce new industry standards on artists.

Snider's appearance at the hearing is the stuff of legend. He appeared before the Senate in an outfit just short of his full Twisted Sister regalia. He then read an impassioned speech from a crumpled piece of notebook paper that he dug out of his jeans pocket.

The rocker is now collaborating with Z2 Comics for a graphic novel about the saga, titled He's Not Gonna Take It.

"When I look back on that historic day, I think, 'How did I fit balls that big into those skin tight jeans?'" Snider wondering via a press release. "Then I reflect on the fact that I still stand for everything I stood for all those years ago...and I'm ready to do battle again."

Editor Rantz Hoseley added that Snider's display of whit, rebellion and constitutional fluency had a major impact on young people of that era.

"Metal and rock preached rebellion and fighting back in the song lyrics, but here was the only frontman who was walking the walk," Hoseley writes. "In a world where you thought that adults said one thing and did another, it was the moment where you could believe... Yes, there are people out there who will fight for what is right, against all odds, no matter what the cost. It's a story that is more vital today than ever."

The novel will recount Snider's testimony and his activism. The story is being written by Frank Marraffino and illustrated by Steve Kurth, with cover art from Erik Rodriguez and Josh Bernstein.

He's Not Gonna Take It will be available in softcover and hardcover versions, with a deluxe edition available as well. The options range from $20 to $100.

Go here to for pre-orders and more information.

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