Shelli’s Quarantine Cooking Fluffy Pancake

Shelli’s Quarantine Cooking Fluffy Pancakes (A/K/A G-Ma’s pancakes, say Zach-ak-ak-ak-ak-ak and Evan)


¾ cup milk

2 tablespoons plain vinegar

1 beaten egg

2 tablespoons real butter

1 cup flour

1 teaspoon baking powder

½ teaspoon baking soda

Touch of salt

1 tablespoon sugar


Add vinegar to milk to create your own buttermilk.

Melt butter.

Put all the dry ingredients in mixing bowl.

Add egg.

Add butter to the milk then add all that to the mixing bowl.

Mix by hand or slow speed just til thoroughly mixed.

Fry on griddle.

VERY IMPORTANT: Use REAL maple Syrup. If right out of fridge, heat for 15 seconds in microwave.

Tomorrow’s Quarantine Cooking at 6:40 AM will feature another easy one pan chicken recipe.

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