PHOTOS: Philadelphia Riots After Super Bowl Victory

Sunday was a historic day in Philadelphia. 

Not only did the Eagles win the Super Bowl for the first time in the franchise's history, defeating the New England Patriots in a thrilling championship game; it was also one of just a few times in history law enforcement knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there would be riots later that evening.

Win or lose, Philadelphia was going to burn Sunday night through Monday morning. And that's exactly what happened.

Police in Philadelphia did their best to prepare, but that's the difficult thing about handling thousands of drunk people hell-bent on creating chaos; it's almost impossible.

The hashtag #PhillyPoliceScanner trended on Twitter all night as the maelstrom expanded across the city. 

Revelers (re: rioters) were swinging on light poles, flipping cars, lighting fires, looting and God knows what else. 

At some point, two police horses were reported stolen.

Offers reported "horrible" injuries, "a guy on a four-wheeler" running over a cop and people climbing the gates of Philadelphia City Hall because why???

Fans even climbed atop the awning of the Ritz-Carlton hotel, causing it to collapse—injuring probably everyone. 

Warning: this video contains strong language. 

One officer reportedly said over the scanner: "It's endless, chief. Endless."

The Boston Police Department even reached out to the Philadelphia Police via Twitter, offering congratulations and good luck overnight.

Below, take look at some photos of the madness in Philadelphia. Of course if you recognize anyone, the Philadelphia Police would probably like to speak with you. You can contact them here

Yes, Philadelphia, this is why you can't have nice things. 

Photo: Getty Images

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