Meg Myers is still surprising herself.
Myers' young career has unfolded as a string of epiphanies; with each one which she learns a little bit more about herself — what she's persevered through and what she's capable of in the future.
On her current tour, Myers is holding down bass duties in addition to her lead vocals. She tells Q104.3 New York's Out of the Box with Jonathan Clarke that it wasn't a forgone conclusion that she could do both when she was recording her new album, Take Me to the Disco, available July 20.
"For this record, one of the songs was so difficult to learn because singing it at the same time, like, the rhythm is just...'Done' the song called 'Done,'" she says. "It took me like two weeks to get it. I just had to [practice the bass line] and start incorporating my voice in a little at a time. You just get it over time, but that's cool because you can do anything."
Whether its playing the bass, fronting her band, doing both at the same time, writing songs or navigating her personal life, Myers' intension is part of what makes her such a compelling artist. Making Take Me to the Disco was an exhausting process on multiple levels, Myers says, and by the time the record was done, she was struck with a new reality of what she had been writing about.
"I had been on quite a long spiritual journey that year and during the making of the record," she says. "And when I went back to [the title track] to finish it, I was like, 'Oh, wow!' I was actually not really looking for escape and everything, I'm really looking for a connection to myself and others and just a true connection. Sometimes people can seem like they want to escape but you're just searching..."
Watch the full Out of the Box interview above, including Myers' acoustic performance of her song "Jealous Sea."
Get all her tour dates here.
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Here's the official music video for Meg Myers' "Numb":