MTV's iconic snickering sophomoric duo Beavis and Butt-Head are due for a reboot, this time with a feature film-length adaptation on Paramount+.
The film was announced this week by MTV Entertainment Group during the Paramount+ launch event.
The show's eponymous two stars showed up at the event via Zoom call to announce the good news.
"So, like, eh...we're making a movie," Butt-head announced.
"And it's gonna be on Paramount+ — kick ass," Beavis added.
The clip ends with the pair's trademark simpering over the fact Beavis said "mount."
You can watch it above!
Launched in 1993 by creator Mike Judge, Beavis and Butt-Head quickly became a hit with its fully-satirical look at the Gen. X teen experience. Starring couch potatoes Beavis and Butt-Head the unconventional cartoon rivaled The Simpsons in terms of irreverence and under-the-radar social commentary.
Last July, Comedy Central ordered two new seasons of the series to be written and produced by Judge, who also stars as the voices of both main characters.
Photo: YouTube / Comedy Central