Maria Milito

Maria Milito

Maria Milito Is On Air Every Day To Rock The Airwaves! Don't Forget To Check Out Maria's Podcast 'Maria's Mutts And Stuff' On iHeartRadio.Full Bio


Sinbad Makes Real Clip of Fake 'Shazaam' Movie for April Fools' Day

For some reason many '90s kids are convinced that comedian Sinbad starred as a genie in a movie called Shazaam that came out in the mid-'90s.

There are countless testimonies on message boards from people who recall seeing posters, previews or commercials for the film.

While Shazaam doesn't exist, and though there are many theories on from where this idea comes, what really matters is the beautiful and authentic-looking April Fools prank Sinbad and College Humor played on Shazaam-truthers. Check it out above. 

The comedian seems to think the phenomena is a combination of people conflating the 1996 Shaquille O'Neil movie, Kazaam, with his Sinbad the Sailor character.

It's gotten so big that Sinbad responded to the rumors himself via Twitter last year. He even offered confused millennials a theory on how the image of him as a genie got implanted into their heads.

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