Terminator: Dark Fate is directed by Tim Miller (Deadpool). James Cameron is one of the film’s main producers. It is the sixth installment in the Terminator Franchise and the direct sequel to The Terminator (1984) and Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991). However, it still seems to me that, it’s an alternate timeline. You’ll be confused right at the beginning. Yes, you can’t get there late, or you’ll be confused for the rest of the film.
My favorite part is Linda Hamilton’s entrance as Sarah Connor. That’s an entire action film on steroids in that segment alone. Great fight scenes throughout and a different style terminator that builds on Robert Patrick’s mercury metal Terminator 2.
Arnold is, well Arnold. He’s funny with his deadpan comments. Got a lot of laughs on this one.
The newcomers to the franchise are all solid.
- Canadian Actress Mackenzie Davis as an augmented Human acts and fights well. Columbian TV Star Natalia Reyes makes her lead action debut. Her Columbian TV training really pays off. You’ll recognize the new Terminator as TVs new Ghostrider Gabriel Luna.
Story is thin but has couple of twists. You go for Terminator Fun.
2.5 Hearts