Jimmy Kimmel is good at a lot of things, but among his best skills is his ability to embarrass the world's morons with cheeky segments like this one from Tuesday night: "Where's North Korea."
Of course these types of segments are edited, probably to remove anyone who's actually seen a map of the world before.
An alarming—and we do mean alarming—number of people pointed to Canada or the Arctic when asked to identify North Korea's location on the map. One woman even included New England in her large circle.
"The scariest part about North Korea is that it could be anywhere," an off-camera producer said to one poor woman who circled almost every continent on the map but Asia.
"Interesting," she blankly replied.
A lot of people circled the Middle East, which considering the level of incompetence at play here, is not a bad guess.
So there's no more confusion, feel free to look at the map embedded below.
Google Maps