Bueatiful Banannas: America's Most Commonly Misspelled Words

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America has no official language. 

This makes a lot of sense when you consider that our country's most-used language, English, is one full of words that Americans just can't spell.

In honor of the upcoming National Spelling Bee, Google has released each state's most misspelled word. And since Google is reading your searches, emails, IMs and texts, Google ought to know!

The most commonly misspelled words are 'beautiful' and 'pneumonia,' with five states each having trouble with those. 

Perhaps the most puzzling inclusion is 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,' which is most misspelled in West Virginia and Connecticut. A better way to say that may be that supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is most-attempted in those states. Why? We haven't the foggiest idea.

People in New Jersey can't spell 'twelve,' apparently. People in South Dakota can't spell 'college,' which makes sense. Speaking of...people in Oregon can't spell 'sense'!

Here's the full list (as published by USA Today):

Alabama: pneumonia

Alaska: schedule

Arizona: tomorrow

Arkansas: chihuahua

California: beautiful

Colorado: tomorrow

Connecticut: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Delaware: hallelujah

Washington, D.C. : ninety

Florida: receipt

Georgia: gray

Hawaii: people

Idaho: quote

Illinois: pneumonia

Indiana: hallelujah

Iowa: vacuum

Kansas: diamond

Kentucky: beautiful

Louisiana: giraffe

Maine: pneumonia

Maryland: special

Massachusetts: license

Michigan: pneumonia

Minnesota: beautiful

Mississippi: nanny

Missouri: maintenance

Montana: surprise

Nebraska: suspicious

Nevada: available

New Hampshire: difficult

New Jersey: twelve

New Mexico: bananas

New York: beautiful

North Carolina: angel

North Dakota: dilemma

Ohio: beautiful

Oklahoma: patient

Oregon: sense

Pennsylvania: sauerkraut

Rhode Island: liar

South Carolina: chihuahua

South Dakota: college

Tennessee: chaos

Texas: maintenance

Utah: disease

Vermont: Europe

Virginia: delicious

Washington: pneumonia

West Virginia: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

Wisconsin: tomorrow

Wyoming: priority

Photo: Getty Images

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