The theme song for the beloved HBO comedy "Curb Your Enthusiasm" has been used in memes and jokes across the Internet since the beloved show's first stint ended in 2011.
The show's off-beat style made it a cult classic and the song, titled "Frolic," was the rare television theme that truly captures the essence of the program to which it's bound.
Somewhere along the line clever YouTube users began taking footage of real-life awkward events and rolling the song in to enhance their inherent comedy.
See below:
Composed Luciano Michelini recently gave an interview to Thump saying he loves the way the song has taken on a life of its own.
"I have seen many of the videos on's very amusing, and I think it's the perfect way to use the song."
Michelini recalls that "Frolic" was first used in a 2000 film called La Bellissima Estate. He was contacted again several years later and told that Larry David had chosen the song for his show.
"I can only guess it was just the right song for the right TV show at the right time," he said. "I wrote the instruments including mandolin, tuba, piano and strings to really catch the ear of the listener. It's a piece with comical DNA."
We've included a few of the most popular meme-appropriations of "Frolic" below for your viewing pleasure.
Photo: Getty Images