Shelli Sonstein's Movie Reviews - Get Out

“Get Out” is a one of a kind, breakthrough horror movie written and directed by Jordan Peele of Key & Peele of Comedy Central fame.  This is his first movie...and it’s the best movie so far this year.  Best horror movie in I don’t know how many years. Why? It’s the first horror movie I know of that is racially charged- challenging racial stereotypes while throwing in lots of humor.  It’s NOT a comedy. It’s scary. But it has funny laugh at loud moments. 

Allison Williams of “Girls” fame (and daughter of Brian Williams) stars. She’s bringing home her black boyfriend for her rich parents to meet, never telling them he’s black. The parents are Catherine Keener and Bradley Whitford. Things start to go down when the mom, who’s a shrink, hypnotizes the boyfriend- presumably to get him to kick the habit. Well it works..but it goes wayyy down the rabbit hole. The movie gets VERY violent toward the end. It’s a horror classic from the start. I promise u won’t be disappointed.

4 stars!!!!!

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