Ann Wilson's Husband Sentenced for Assault on Nancy Wilson's Children

Singer Ann Wilson's husband, Dean Wetter, has been sentenced for assaulting his sister-in-law's two sons during a Heart concert last August.

Wetter pleaded guilty to two counts of assault for punching and choking Nancy Wilson's 16-year-old sons during the incident.

He will pay restitution, undergo counseling and has been ordered to have no contact with the boys. A judge also suspended 364 days of jail time contingent on Wetter completing his probation, reports The Seattle Times.

Wetter reportedly flew into a rage and assaulted Nancy's teenage sons during a concert August 26, 2016, when the boys left the door to Ann's trailer open. Police were called and Wetter was charged with assault; he spent the next several days in a jail cell.

All parties reportedly agreed to Wetter's plea deal.

While both Wilson sisters have spoken candidly in recent weeks about their desire to reconcile, they have acknowledged that communication between them since last August has been limited to only the occasional text message.

With 30 dates remaining on the tour following the assault incident, the sisters stopped talking and began using separate dressing rooms for the first time in their 43-year career.

Nancy reportedly considered dropping out of the tour entirely. She and her sister respectively described the remaining dates as "excruciating" and "complete hell."

Ann is touring this year as a solo act this year, while Nancy is concentrating on her new band, Roadcase Royale.

Photos: Getty Images

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