9/11 Stories: Cyndi Lauper

One of the few singers to win Grammy awards, an Emmy and a Tony award, 50-million album seller Cyndi Lauper had just moved to the Upper West Side with her husband and son in the summer of 2001.

On 9/11, she was at her Connecticut studio, working on a collaboration with Yoko Ono. It was a memorial to mark what would have been the murdered Beatle's birthday. Lauper was awakened by a phone call from her husband, telling her to turn on the television.

After the terror attacks, Lauper couldn’t get home to New York City. The city was on lockdown. Her 3-year-old son could not understand why Mommy wasn’t coming home to him.

Cyndi’s husband directed her to get to a bank to take out as much cash as she could. They didn’t know what was going to happen next.

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