Uni might have the work ethic and creative independence of a DIY band, but that's about where the comparisons to your high school punk band end.
Lead by singer Jack James, guitarist David Strange and bassist Charlotte Kemp Muhl, the band celebrates Halloween in the stunning and stylish new narrative music video for "Predator's Ball." Set to the band's own glam-goth soundtrack, the film explores themes of fetish, sex, abuse and horror with just enough Rocky Horror-style camp to keep it from being taken too seriously.
"I think when we come up with the concepts [for the videos], Charlotte and I throw up like a million different ideas and sort of boil them down into — probably, too many," James tells Q104.3's Out of the Box with Jonathan Clarke.
For Kemp, the "Predator's Ball" gave her the opportunity the realize a longtime dream of shooting something of her own at the Alder Manor in Yonkers, New York.
"[It] has this very haunted feel. It's very dilapidated. It's very spooky," she recalls of the location. "I've done a few shoots there for Vogue and random music videos that I acted in with Terry Richardson when I was a teenager, and I remember as a teenager thinking, One day I want to shoot my own thing here,' and we did. It's an amazing location. I think they shoot a lot of period piece films there as well."
Uni is still devising a release plan for its debut album, but James confirmed that the LP will be called Lucifuga, a reference to classic literature.
"Virgil in Dante's Inferno called cockroaches Lucifuga, which means one that avoids the light," James explained. "We were making this post-apocalyptic album and I was just thinking of cockroaches surviving the apocalypse."
Check out the full conversation via the video player above!
Get more on Uni at the band's official website here. Follow the band on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
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Check out the "Predator's Ball" film here: