Doc About 'World's Most Dangerous Amusement Park' Coming to HBO Max

Ready for a little nostalgia? Well if you have HBO Max you are in for a wild ride. HBO’s new streaming service has acquired a highly anticipated documentary about Action Park, the infamous New Jersey amusement park that had its heyday in the '80s and '90s and was known as the most dangerous water park in the world.

Class Action Park is produced and directed by Chris Charles Scott and Seth Porges. The project has been a long time coming, because in 2013 Porges made a short film called The Most Insane Amusement Park Ever and it went viral.

The documentary will for the first time bring real-life footage and testimonials of the park, leading to "insane stories of lawlessness and injury," as HBO Max original content head Sarah Aubrey said in a statement.

Class Action Park will premiere in August

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