New York City Sex Club Reopens For Socially Distant Orgies

As New York City emerges from lockdown and enters into Phase Two of reopening this week, a famous private sex club is actually attempting to navigate opening their doors to members. 

In order for the members-only group called NSFW, which stands for the New Society For Wellness, to open their clubhouse doors again, they've rolled out an assortment of new rules and regulations that take the risk out of risqué. NSFW founder Daniel Saynt says he's drafted additional safety precautions himself, including mandatory temperature checks at the door, bringing a separate change of clean clothes in a plastic bag, wearing a mask, and gloves, using sanitation stations throughout the space, and of course, "no new sex," which means you can't hook up with anyone besides the partner you came with.

New York City has also issued some guidelines for group sex which includes a well-ventilated area as well as making sure alcohol based sanitizer is on hand. And in order to adhere to the social-distancing policy, the cannabis-positive club is only allowing 20 members to attend in person, which is 10% of the space's capacity. 

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