Hair Metal Veterans RATT Stars In New GEICO Commercial

The GEICO Insurance Company has given us some great commercials over the years. Whether it was the Gieco Gecko, the cavemen, or the woodchucks chucking wood I usually get a good chuckle out of them.

Well now they have a brand new spot! GEICO has unveiled a new commercial that stars ’80s hair-metal veterans RATT.

The commercial starts out with a couple saying how much they enjoy their new home, while admitting they do have a “RATT problem.” It then cuts to frontman Stephen Pearcy and company performing their signature song “Round and Round” in the basement. From there, RATT make their way into the kitchen and the bathroom as the wife and husband try to navigate their way around the band.

This commercial was probably filmed long before the COViD-19 pandemic but I think it comes at a good time to give us all a laugh.

RATT are slated to go on tour and headline the Big Rock Summer Tour, also featuring fellow hair-metal veterans Skid Row, Slaughter, and Tom Keifer of Cinderella. As of now, the North American outing is scheduled to take place over two legs, with the first beginning in early June and the second launching in late August.

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