Sonstein Sunday: 9/11 Memorial & Museum / the doc "The Most Dangerous Year"

This week on the award winning Sonstein Sunday: 

At 6:55am: If you haven’t yet been to the ‪9/11 Memorial & Museum, it really is a must-see, especially before visiting The World Trade Center at One World Trade. A new area outside the museum is about to open: The Glade, a space honoring the First Responders we've lost to ‪9/11 toxins. ‪9/11 Memorial & Musuem EVP Michael Frazier joins me to tell us about this exciting new addition.

Vlada Knowlton is the mom of an 8 year old transgender daughter. She tells their story in her documentary “The Most Dangerous Year,” which is screening now through the 18th at Village East Cinema. Vlada joins me ‪at 7:15am to talk about an issue that is largely misunderstood. The “dangerous” part for Vlada and her transgender daughter is the push for the bathroom laws. 

Listen to me every Sunday at 6:55 am on Q104.3, or anytime, on my Sonstein Sessions podcast on the iHeartRadio app!

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