Despite Aladdin Snub Gilbert Gottfried's Doing "OKKAAAYYY"

Show favorite Gilbert Gottfried returns! The tone is set right off the bat with an overflowing coffee disaster and we only slightly recover from there...

First Gilbert gives his review of his customary breakfast provided by the show and then Jim and Shelli get into the pressing matters: fans are outraged that Disney is denying us another taste of Gilbert as "Iago" in the upcoming live action remake of 'Aladdin.' A listener makes a great point- if James Earl Jones gets the ok to reprise his role as "Mufasa" in the planned 'Lion King' remake, why can't Gilbert also return to a signature role?

Gilbert discusses his collaboration with to provide fans with personalized messages. Gilbert is willing to announce your breakup, divorce, bankruptcies, disasters and maybe even good news (if you have any). Check out all the details here. It's the perfect gift for your niece's sweet sixteen.

Gilbert also talks about his recent high profile guests on his now long running podcast 'Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast.'

The conversation somehow goes even further off the rails as Jim tries to give away Graham Nash tickets. Catch Gilbert Gottfried live at Caroline's this Thursday, March 21st!

Listen to full audio mayhem below:

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