It's Producer Chris. I'm the new Joe.

So over the past two months I've shifted from being Interim Chris (IC) to Permanent Chris/Producer Chris (PC) for the Jim Kerr Rock & Roll Morning Show. I decided to not post anything about myself for awhile because like any good producer knows, the talent and the show come first...and that's what I've been focusing on. Think "Artie" from 'The Larry Sanders Show.'

However to prove I'm not some fly by night ne'er do well, I thought I would post a couple of pics from my years working directly for Q or for Big E on classified projects. 

I was actually trained as an intern by Grumpy Joe back in the winter of '05...and then I never left. I'm like one those bad STDs penicillin can't cure. I'm a lifer.

Here we have a pic with Brian May from 2013. Notice the poorly fitting shirt on me.

Here's me with "The Deity," the Riffmaster General, Tony Iommi in 2011. No mustache equals severe eyebrow imbalance. 

Me with one of the greatest pro-wrestlers of all time, Mick Foley aka Cactus Jack, aka Mankind, aka Dude Love. I can't wear that shirt anymore cause I got fat.

Me with Glenn Danzig in 2010. This is me looking "threatening."

And this is probably my favorite photo. From the old Q studios in midtown circa 2007. You start to see the end of the line for my once powerful, Jared Leto-esque mane. I didn't count on my DNA betraying me.

Email me at

or call the office phone (only with good news please): 888-872-1043

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