9/11 Stories: Josh Calacanis

Like many FDNY’ers who survived September 11, 2001, Josh carries a lot of guilt. He had asked to go home early the morning of 9/11, looking forward to taking care of his 18-month-old daughter all day. Engine 212 was one of the first to respond that morning. Calacanis learned later that day, the firefighters from his company were on the missing list. His first thought was, “I might have killed this guy because he was working for me”.

Seventeen years after surviving 9/11, Josh was the truck boss in the Harlem fire that killed his co-worker, firefighter Michael Davidson. Eventually, Calacanis went into therapy, which he believes saved his life. He’s now on the Board of Directors of Friends Of Firefighters, providing free mental health and wellness care for all FDNY’ers and their families. 

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